Nedbank LVCC Calendar

Monday 13 May 2013

Race Report - Sudwala Screaming Monster

The morning started great with plenty of parking and helpful organisers handing you a number and envelope with a couple of goodies in.

It was cold but according to last year’s runners not as cold as the previous year. Something for which most runners were truly thankful. Starting in the cold is never the best.

The 21.1km run started off from the entrance of Sudwala Lodge and through the parking lot, over the river bridge and left out onto the R539. The start was deceptively easy and got everyone into a comfortable pace. Running happily alone at this point, we turned left again, onto the Sabie road.

The road immediately started climbing, and it just kept on going up and up and up. The runners were all happy and didn't seem to mind the challenge they signed up for. Most probably just thinking about the much talked about last hill to the caves.

After about 5km the road snakes and bends to the right and as you come round the corner, you realise that you are not finished going up yet! Here I met up with another runner and started chatting, and being the girl that I am, that helped as we climb the last bit to the top
An amazing long climb all the way to about 8km. Where you hit a sudden down to the turnaround point, which is thankfully only half way down the next hill. Because as the law of running states, “What goes down, must come up again”.

At the turn around point, the friendly marshals pointed us in the direction of a refreshment table that rivaled any kiddie’s birthday party. There were sweets to pick and choose, anything from nougat to the trusted old jelly babies. We grabbed a quick bite and then started up back to the top of the hill.

This time with some company and a much shorter hill ahead of us, it wasn't long before we started on the down, curling our way round the bends at what felt like high speed, in comparison to the up, all the way back to the lodge.

After all the up, and then the fast down, our legs felt a little like jelly but when we hit the flat stretch, we recovered quickly before going over the river bridge and into the parking area again.

Running through the supporters waiting at the finish area, you could sense what was about to start, and so we just pulled down our hats, to hide some of what was ahead and started running then walking and walking, a little more running and then some more walking up the long, long hill, where friendly marshals guide you up, up and away.

Just when you think you can’t climb anymore, you arrive at the stairs leading into the cave, where again, you are reassured that you are ‘almost there’.

Then finally, you arrive, and get a wonderful chance to run through the candle lit caves, and around the 160 million year old Screaming Monster formation. 

This having been my first run, it truly felt amazing. Not sure if the feeling is due to finally reaching the top, or the wonderful spiritual richness of the caves. Be what it may, it felt good and so started the last leg of this fantastic run.

Once you passed the fish spa and curios shop , you are met with an extreme downhill, steep every step of the way, and going slow is not an option as your legs are tired from the up and don’t want to brake going down. So you go “screaming” down the hill and onto the grassy patch finishing at the bottom.

A truly lovely race, a wonderful experience and very well organised. 

Annelie Dollenberg

Steve the Caveman. Photo by Abi Dollenberg

Mommy. Photo by Abi Dollenberg

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