Nedbank LVCC Calendar

Monday 13 May 2013

CC Comrades Corner - The Nedbank-LVCC Legends Interview - Jeanne van Heerden

Jeanne van Heerden

GoldWally HaywardSilverBill RowanBronzeVic ClaphamTotal

When did you run your first Comrades and why did you decide to run it?
JvH: 31st May 1985.We had too much to drink on Comrades day 1984 and put down a challenge.

What motivates you to keep running, and go back each year?
JvH: Health and discipline.

Who awarded you your Comrades Green Number? 
JvH: Wally Hayward.

Did you wipe the sweat off your hand before shaking theirs?
JvH: No. By the time I got there it was already cold in Pietermaritzburg.

How many times did you decide that you would 'never run that race again'?
JvH: It hasn't crossed my mind yet.

And when do you think you will actually mean it?
JvH: When I can't remember the date.

What would you say was your most memorable moment at Comrades?
JvH: Finishing my first with my two brothers and close friends.

What was your 'epic fail' moment? 
JvH: Not running my sub 9.

What is some advice that you received, but regret not having used on race day?
JvH: Do not start too fast. See above.

What was your best Comrades time, and what did you do differently that year to 'make it happen'?
JvH: 9:54. Stopped training for two weeks prior.

What spectator chirp do you detest the most?
JvH: None. I love all spectators.

If someone offered you an ice cold beer at the top of Inchanga, would you be tempted?
JvH: Absolutely. Give me two.

Does your family still support you on the side of the road as much as they did on your first Comrades?
JvH: Much, much more.

How many pairs of shoes have you bought over the years?
JvH: Can't remember.

And how many times have you bought your wife flowers?
JvH: Plenty.

What time are you hoping to run this year? 
JvH: Hoping 10:58. Realistic 11:40

Do you have a 'mantra', quote, thought or inspiration that you draw on when you're going through a bad patch?
JvH: Ps 121 Where will my help come from...

What short advice can you offer to a 'Comrades virgin'?
JvH: You will lose your virginity.

The best runner you've ever run with? 
JvH: Johan Visage. He ran up Polly's in 1987. Found that I was way behind. Ran back down Polly's. Fetched me and finished in 10:59:58.

What is the difference between the up and down for you?
JvH: The distance.

Where do you think most runners go wrong?
JvH: Not enjoying the journey and being too concerned about time and seeding.You have enough stress in everyday life. Do not stress about your running. Enjoy and relax.

Where is halfway on the up?
JvH: Cato Ridge.

Your Comrades hero?
JvH: My biggest supporter Patricia and the rest of my family.

What do you eat the the day before, and what's your routine?
JvH: Pap + boerewors. Rest, TV, focusing, a couple of beers. In bed by 19h30.

Which is the worst hill?
JvH: A hill is a hill. Depends where they erected your "WALL".

Whats the lowest amount of mileage you've ever run comrades on and the most?
JvH: 395km (1987) and 920km (2012).

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